
The services provided by Align with Alice and the information provided on www.alignwithalice.com is not intended to replace any medical, psychological or other health advice.  Alice Mason is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist. Although Alice Mason is a Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife, services provided by Align with Alice do not fall under nursing or midwifery care and do not replace individual medical care in any way. 

If you have concerns about your health, do not delay in seeking medical advice from your healthcare provider or nearest hospital emergency department.

If you are receiving care or treatment from any medical, healthcare or therapy practitioner, e.g. GP, Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Counsellor, you may be asked to seek their permission before any services can commence. 

If you are currently receiving care or treatment from a medical professional, you are required to continue working with them for management of your ongoing medical care. 

Rapid Transformational Therapy and hypnotherapy is not always the appropriate treatment for some issues and are contraindicated for those with epilepsy, dissociative disorder, personality disorder, psychosis, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, hallucinations, delusions or seizures. 

While we strive to achieve positive results and outcomes, we cannot guarantee specific results or outcomes, as individual responses to treatments and programs can vary.