Hi, I’m Alice…
My journey to being here is a bit of a long one and is a combination of my personal story and professional experience.
Personally, I spent most of my twenties feeling ‘stuck’ and unfulfilled. While I’ve always enjoyed my work as a nurse and midwife, my life as a whole felt out of balance and not in alignment with how I wanted it to be. I was burnt out, lost, indecisive and I lacked direction, purpose, fulfilment and clarity. I knew there had to be something more, but I had no idea what “more” looked like.
But I so desperately wanted change. I saw psychologists, naturopaths, life coaches, listened to podcasts, read books, all trying to find some answers and clarity. I was trying a little bit of everything but honestly, nothing really helped as much as I hoped it would.
And then I stumbled across RTT and it just struck a chord. And so I took a leap of faith and tried something different with RTT, and it honestly changed the trajectory of my life and I'm so very grateful for it.
RTT gave me clarity and the kickstart I needed to change my life. I had newfound motivation to reassess what I actually wanted - to move overseas. Something I’d wanted to do for years and had come close to doing several times but had always backed out of. But this time it felt different and so within just a few weeks of my first session I’d followed a lead about a job opportunity and had an interview. And within 3 months I’d moved overseas, started a new job at a London IVF clinic and found somewhere to live. And I had such an incredible year of travel, new adventures and pushing myself out of my comfort zone.
And so having felt the power of RTT for myself, I decided to take another leap and study to become an RTT practitioner because I just knew that this could be so powerful for the women I was caring for, who were also experiencing fears, doubts, stress and anxiety about their fertility, pregnancy and becoming a mother.
And then the other part of my story is that while working as a midwife, child health nurse and IVF nurse I noticed time and time again the huge gap in knowledge and education that exists regarding the menstrual cycle, fertility, reproductive health, pregnancy and women’s health as a whole.
And this is through absolutely no fault of your own! Unfortunately this information just isn’t taught, it isn’t widely known and when you do try and seek out information, you can be bombarded with a maze of, often conflicting, advice that leaves your head spinning.
Add to this the emotional rollercoaster that often comes with fertility, pregnancy, birth and motherhood and it’s no wonder that you are left feeling overwhelmed
And so I went on to try and fill in the missing piece of the puzzle by doing further training in natural fertility education which is just such a beautiful, holistic and evidence-based approach to fertility that incorporates cycle charting using the mucus method and also lifestyle measures to optimise fertility.
All of this to say, I finally feel like I have a broad and further reaching ability to truly help, support and guide women in their journey to motherhood. Drawing on my unique professional background and my gentle and intuitive nature, I offer a truly holistic mind-body-soul approach that combines the practical with the deeply personal.
Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery, The University of Queensland (2015)
Graduate Diploma in Child, Family and Community Nursing, La Trobe University (2019)
Certified Hypnotherapist (2024)
Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner (2024)
Natural Fertility Education (2024)