Your life is in your hands….

Are you ready for change?

What happens when the person you are isn’t the person you want to be?

Or the life you are living isn’t the life you want to live? 

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had times in my life when the person I’ve been and the life I’ve been living wasn’t who I wanted to be and wasn’t the life I wanted to live.

It’s a tough realisation to come to and a bitter pill to swallow.

Maybe something you long for hasn’t worked out the way you hoped?

Maybe you feel stuck in a life that doesn’t fulfil you?

Maybe you feel weighed down by expectations that aren’t really yours? 

Or perhaps you’ve checked all the boxes but still feel empty and find yourself asking “Is this it?”

The truth is, we all go through seasons of misalignment….. where the life you’re living and the life you want, feel worlds apart. 

I get it. I’ve been there.

And this is what I want you to know…

The person you want to be? She’s already within you.

The life you want? It’s within your grasp.

It’s just waiting for you to take the first step. 

In a world that values fitting in, conforming and where it is the norm to ‘be happy with what you have and not ask for more’…

…one of the most radical things you can do is live the life YOU want.

Hi, I’m Alice…

I’ve been in that place where life has slowly but surely drifted out of sync. A place where you’ve done everything ‘right’ but can’t help but wonder ‘is this it?’

Combining my personal experience, my gentle and intuitive nature, my professional background as a midwife and IVF nurse and my training in RTT and fertility awareness brings me to where I am today with a deep longing to help women rediscover themselves, reconnect with their bodies and live a life in alignment with what feels right for YOU.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You feel like you should have it all figured out by now, but you don’t.

  • You’ve done everything ‘right’ and everything you are ‘supposed’ to but can’t help but question, “is this it?” ….and this leads you to feel guilty for not being happy with what you have.

  • You just feel stuck, like you’re waiting for something to change but don’t know what.

  • You’re exhausted, but can’t slow down (because if you do, you fear falling behind).

  • You have this niggling feeling that your life just isn’t lining up but you’ve spent so much time going down this path that changing directions feels like admitting defeat or failing.

  • You know you need to take care of yourself and have good intentions but it just never seems to happen…. life always gets in the way and you just don’t have the time or energy.

  • You feel like your body is working against you… your cycle is all over the place, your energy is low and you don’t know what’s normal anymore.

  • You want to believe things will work out, but can’t help but wonder….”What if they don’t? What if this is just the way it is?”

  • You keep telling yourself “things will get better when…”, but it just never seems to happen. The finish line keeps moving and there’s no relief in sight.

If so, I get it.

I’ve been there.

And please know…. change is possible.

Work with me


RTT, or Rapid Transformational Therapy is an innovative therapy underpinned by principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, cognitive behavioral therapy, neuroscience, and neuroplasticity to deliver fast, effective and long-lasting results in as little as 1-3 sessions. 

And it does this by working directly with your subconscious mind so that you can release limiting beliefs, fears and doubts and reprogram positive, supportive and beneficial beliefs that align with your vision.


Fertility awareness is a holistic and evidence-based approach to fertility and while many will find fertility awareness with the intention of trying to achieve or avoid pregnancy, it is so much more than this and it is a beautiful way to reconnect with yourself, your body and your cycle.

By learning to interpret your body’s signals, in particular cervical mucus, fertility awareness empowers you with the knowledge to understand your body and cycle with clarity, make informed decisions, reduce stress, say goodbye to overwhelm, feel more confident and learn to live according to the natural ebbs and flows of the menstrual cycle.


I offer a variety of thoughtfully curated on-demand downloadable resources designed to support you through particular phases of your life. Whether you are feeling ‘stuck’ and need some support to live your life in alignment, whether you are undergoing or approaching fertility treatment or if you are feeling a little lost in pregnancy…there is something for everyone.

  • “I worked with Alice because I’d been hitting roadblocks in the process of surrogacy, and I knew I was stuck but I didn’t know how to get out of my own way. Alice helped me break out of an insecure mindset and shift into positive, self-assured confidence which has contributed to a smooth series of successes in the surrogacy journey. She has a grounded and non-judgmental presence. When I was initially nervous, she reassured me, and she seamlessly guided me through the session. Now I am connected to inner confidence and certainty and I can trust myself in making great decisions moving forward in the surrogacy process.”

    ~ Becca

  • Alice is wonderful! She was very supportive, caring and understanding during our RTT session as I became very emotional. After the session I felt very peaceful and light. The transformation recording has worked like a charm. I have been able to sleep through the night, rest and wake up with energy for my busy days. My mood is more stable and I have a sense of calmness with a lot less overwhelm and no anxiety. Thank you for your help Alice. I truly appreciate you.

    ~ Maria

  • “Working with Alice was a real eye-opener to me. I really understand where old patterns came from and how unhelpful they turned out to be, when carried from early childhood into the daily routines of today. I have found new and refreshing ways of how to live my life, how to think about certain topics and how to deal with challenges. In and after the session I was absolutely blown away by myself and my capacities to observe in great detail and detach my understanding of "my world". I felt and knew that I have really pushed boundaries. And now I keep on pushing the boundaries further, diving deeper into unexplored areas in my life. I encourage you: do the work on yourself. It is absolutely priceless, worthwhile and a massive boost for understanding life!"

    ~ Silvia