Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) & Hypnotherapy for Motherhood

The transition from woman to mother, from person to parent is one of the biggest life changes there is and there is definitely a big learning curve and period of adjustment. And while some parents may find they transition relatively smoothly into their new role, others may find it more challenging than they anticipated. 

Some challenges that I’ve observed and that women have shared with me include…

  • Physical recovery from pregnancy and birth

  • Exhaustion and sleep deprivation

  • Changed relationship with partner

  • Changed relationship with family members

  • Managing day-to-day life with a baby

  • Shift in sense of self and identity

  • Moving from a career where you may have felt confident and capable and having the structure and routine of a familiar job and then moving to the unfamiliar with a new baby and the unpredictability each day can bring

  • Changed social life

  • Navigating friendships with friends who don’t have children

  • Loss of independence and freedom

  • Reflection on your own childhood and upbringing, perhaps elements of this that you would like to continue and elements that you would like to do differently. 

I wonder if you can relate to any of these? 

And I’ve seen so often how new mothers will put the needs of others above their own time and time again. They come last, often leading to stress, anxiety, depletion, exhaustion, resentment, anger, guilt and perhaps you just feel like you are not being the parent you would like to be. You may feel like your children ‘trigger’ you or bring out the worst in you often leading to feelings of guilt and shame.

Firstly let me say, there is no such thing as a perfect parent. There is no expectation to be perfect 100% of the time. And the fact that you are here, reading this page, tells me that you are already incredibly mindful and motivated to be a beautifully connected and present (not perfect) parent.

How RTT can help you as a mum?

RTT and hypnotherapy can help address a variety of emotional and mental challenges associated with motherhood including:

  • Managing stress and overwhelm 

  • Finding balance between your role as a mother and your individual identity

  • Overcoming mum guilt

  • Improving self-esteem and confidence in your parenting 

  • Improving bonding and attachment with your baby 

  • Managing anger and postpartum rage

  • Encouraging positive lifestyle change

  • Providing clarity with your path forward 

  • Fostering self-compassion and self-worth

  • Healing from trauma relating to your own childhood 

  • Rediscovering your sense of self and your own goals 

  • Becoming the mother you want to be, not only for your children but for YOU. 

Ultimately RTT aims to get to the root cause of the ‘problem’, identify any subconscious blocks or limiting beliefs and clear these so that you can move forward with new, positive and supportive beliefs that align with your vision for motherhood. 

What to expect from an RTT session

In an RTT session for motherhood we’ll work together to….

  • Revisit at least 3 scenes from your past that relate to the ‘problem’ you are facing

  • Identify and understand the limiting beliefs these experiences left you with 

  • Reframe and ‘weed out’ these limiting beliefs

  • Reprogram new, empowering, positive beliefs that support you and align with your vision for your life

  • Experience deep relaxation and calm 

Each session is tailored to your unique situation and designed to create lasting change. After your session, you’ll receive a personalised hypnosis audio to reinforce the positive suggestions and new beliefs which is yours to listen to every day for at least 21 days. 

A transformational approach to motherhood 

With RTT and hypnotherapy, the focus is on empowering you to break free from whatever is holding you back so that you can live your life in alignment with your values. RTT provides fast, effective and long-lasting results in as little as 1-3 sessions.

RTT and hypnotherapy cuts through all of the overwhelm and uncertainty and paves the way for an empowered motherhood journey. 

Because wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could approach this phase of your life free from uncertainty, overwhelm and doubt and actually feel like you are being the mother you want to be, not just for your child/ren but for you. 

Start your journey with RTT today

With a background as a midwife and child health nurse I bring insight and perspective that is unique in the hypnotherapy and RTT space and I’m here to tell you, this is possible and you deserve to have a beautiful, calm and harmonious family life full of joy and RTT can help you get there.

If you are ready to take control of your life and get unstuck from whatever is holding you back, RTT could be the solution you’ve been searching for. You can find out more about what is involved with RTT and book your session HERE.

Alternatively you may like to book a complimentary discovery call so we can chat through the most appropriate path for you.

Interested in learning more?

I’d love to chat further with a complimentary discovery call….